When I turned 18, my father enrolled me in a program to become a nursing assistant. He told me he could see the nurse in me. Initially I did not like healthcare at all. My dream job was to be a diesel mechanic. After sticking to nursing assisting for a year, I really grew into caring for others and enjoying the smiles I saw when coming into a room. Being able to support patients in their time of need really showed me that my dad was right about my becoming a nurse. I then lost both my parents 11 months apart and I felt totally helpless because I did not know how to properly care for them beyond my nursing assistant skills. My passion for nursing was set on fire. I want to be able to help the people who were in my shoes to not feel helpless. I want to be the kind of nurse I wish I had when my parents were dying. I promised my dad not only would I be a nurse, but that I would be the best one I could be.
I decided to attend Hondros College of Nursing because of a few recommendations. Several nurses I worked with told me that if I truly wanted to become a nurse, then this would be a good path to take.
To those considering a career in nursing, I would encourage you to do it. This field will not be easy, but keep going. If you have made it this far, then you are right where you should be. Keep moving forward.
Shreece Bussey is a student of the Practical Nursing Program at our Bingham Farms campus.