I have always enjoyed helping others, I truly feel that taking care of people is my passion. Working as an Occupational Therapy Assistant gave me an introduction to the healthcare world, but I have always wanted to experience the side of nursing. I have a great respect for the nursing profession.
I would say Hondros offering evening classes is what helped me finalize my decision to attend. Additionally, the fact that I could still work my full-time job in the morning while going to school in the evening is a plus.
My best advice is to develop a study schedule and stick with it. The classes will get harder, and your free time will be limited, but if you stick with your study schedule you will be successful. I would also make sure everyone in your life including loved ones, friends, and place of employment understands that school is your priority. I would also recommend talking with your teachers and letting them know when you don’t understand something.
Megan Merriweather is a student in the Practical Nursing Program at our Indianapolis campus.