I have an atypical career path to becoming a nurse. My work history is predominantly in the business side of healthcare in marketing and public relations for hospital systems, and most recently as a physician recruiter. Working closely with physicians made me want to do more than just work behind a desk. I am so much more fulfilled working in patient care where I can contribute to patients’ lives personally.
The number one factor that made me choose Hondros College of Nursing was that I could start the Associate Degree in Nursing program as a direct entry student. My advice if you are thinking about nursing school is to tailor your study routine to what works best for you. There are many different resources available to you, including tutoring sessions. As a visual and audio learner, I used a variety of source material to supplement reading assignments, and doing so has made all the difference in my success at Hondros.
Nursing school does not exist in a vacuum; we all have lives outside of school, and life sometimes throws curveballs. Some might be tempted to use those curveballs as an excuse to take their mind’s eye off that ultimate goal of becoming a nurse. Perseverance and determination, regardless of all outside factors, has allowed me to keep my focus and achieve my goals.